OTP Bank, Hungary / OTP Bank, Ukraine, 2008–
- Design and development of various business and technical reporting solutions (Data Mart design and loading, UI, usability optimization, performance tuning; Oracle DB, VPD, Oracle Warehouse Builder, Oracle BI EE)
- Data model design, data cleansing and consolidation (Oracle Designer)
- Continuous involvement in projects of international subsidiaries
Quote MTF Ltd., 2011
Design and development of core business reporting solution, using open source tools:
- Complete ETL process implementation (Pentaho Kettle/PDI, MySQL, Ubuntu)
- Penthao BI reporting, Mondrian OLAP
- Column oriented database at the data mart layer (LucidDB)
CIB Bank Zrt., Cib Leasing Group , 2004 – 2008
- Sales Data Mart – design and implementation: Oracle PL/SQL based proprietary ETL tool, CBO tuning, star schema design, bitmap indexes; historic data model; flexible definition of reports, KPIs and charts (using FusionCharts), customizable business measurement model; ASP.Net client, Excel reports
- BI portal implementation (MS OLAP, ASP.NET web client, MS Office Web Components)
- Enterprise reporting solution (Oracle-Oracle XML; report templates based on Excel 11 ‘XML map’ feature; ASP.NET portal)
- Design and implementation of messaging interface between front-end and back-end systems (Websphere MQ/J2EE-JMS-MDB, OC4J/ORACLE)